Thursday 4 November 2010

Thank goodness there are only five!!!!

The pups are now out of the whelping bed and are living in the kitchen, well, that is until they escape, Mum jumps in and helps them break out.......

All are getting the hang that once they wake up they piddle on the many sheets of newspaper, and apart from the odd puddle, that seems to be mainly happening.

The two old cats seem to just put up with being 'loved' by the pups and as the kitchen is the 'hub' of our home they are surrounded by people for most of the day.  I have also opened the door into the utility so that the noise from the washing machine will become familiar.

 They are very much into the soft toys that I have been collecting, like Lily, a teddy becomes something to cuddle up with.
 This is the little red girl, she had just been 'told off' by the really old cat.  Cleo is 19, and sometimes just wants a bit of peace and quiet.

This is Sheye,  (or the yellow girl)
Sheye, she will fall asleep in such awkward positions.
 This is Nelson, very laid back.  At first I though he was attacking the teddy, but, nope, just all snuggled up.  He walks around with this ted.

Needless to say they are starting to be total time wasters..........


  1. How sweet. They seen to get even cuter every time you share some photos.


  2. I think the 'puppy under the dresser' pic is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen!
